Our office can get you in touch with the best provider you may need to aid in your care.Our office treats a wide variety of visual and medical ocular conditions. Sometimes our patients need care that is out of the scope of our practice. In those cases we refer to specialists to further help evaluate and manage.
Cataract Surgery
After our providers evaluate and decide cataract surgery is necessary we will refer you to a cataract surgeon. While our office does have preferred providers we refer to, we are happy to refer you to any office you may prefer. Following cataract surgery our office is equipped to comanage your follow up care. |
Refractive Surgery
After full evaluation and referral patients have the choice to pursue corrective refractive surgery. Follow up appointments will be necessary at varying intervals. All can take place at our office. |
Other Surgeries
We also have a list of preferred surgeon's to contact for things such as drooping lids, growth removals and secondary cataracts. Our office can evaluate your conditions and get any testing you may need for referral and treatment.
We also have a list of preferred surgeon's to contact for things such as drooping lids, growth removals and secondary cataracts. Our office can evaluate your conditions and get any testing you may need for referral and treatment.
Advanced Diseases/Conditions
When eye conditions progress or further expertise is needed we have a selection of specialists we refer to to further evaluate and manage. We are in contact with offices of vitreoretinal, corneal and pediatric specialists, as well as many others.
When eye conditions progress or further expertise is needed we have a selection of specialists we refer to to further evaluate and manage. We are in contact with offices of vitreoretinal, corneal and pediatric specialists, as well as many others.